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Global Talent Visa

Global Talent Visa Details(Subclass 858)

This is a permanent visa for those who have a track record of extraordinary and outstanding success in a qualified field that is internationally recognised.

Visa Benefits

  • Remain in Australia Permanently work and study in Australia,
  • Enrol in Medicare,
  • Sponsor your relatives to come to Australia,
  • Travel to and from Australia for 5 years if qualified,
  • Apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

Processing Time

  • 25% of applications: 65 days
  • 50% of applications: 81 Days
  • 75% of applications: 4 Months
  • 90% of applications: 6 Months

You Must

  • Can apply for this visa from anywhere in the world, but not from within Australian immigration clearance.
  • Must have an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement.
  • Eligible areas of achievement include professions, sports, the arts, academia, and research.
  • Nominator can be an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen, or an Australian organization.
  • This visa is intended for high-achievers and is not subject to points-based assessment.

The streamlined Global Talent pathway is for highly talented individuals with a globally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding performance in priority fields. This approach requires an EOI and an invitation to apply.
Distinguished Talent candidates have an internationally recognised record of remarkable and excellent achievements in other domains, such as professions, sports, the arts, or academia and research.

Visa Immigration Agent