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OSHC/OVHC For Abroad Study & Visitors

Whether you are visiting Australia on a temporary visa or, you’re on a student visa, depending on your visa category you should consider purchasing Overseas Visitors Health Cover (OVHC) or Overseas Student Health Cover(OSHC). If you need to see a doctor or stay in a hospital while you’re here, you may be liable for the whole cost of care, which can be quite expensive.

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  • Student Visa:. You must have Overseas Student Health Coverage if you have a student visa.
  • Working Visa :. If you are applying for a working visa, including subclasses 482 and 485, you can purchase Overseas Visitors Health Cover to satisfy your requirements. Make certain that the coverage you choose fits the criteria of your visa.
  • Condition 8501:. You can purchase Overseas Visitors Health Cover to satisfy your needs if you have a visa with condition 8501. Make certain that the coverage you choose fits the criteria of your visa
  • All Other Visa:. If you do not have Medicare coverage or have reciprocal Medicare benefits, you can acquire Overseas Visitors Health Cover from an Australian or international insurer. You can buy a Medicare supplement if you have an intermediate (typically blue) or full (usually green) Medicare card.
  • Exceptions:. Visitors (but not students - see OSHC) from the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia, Malta, and Italy may apply for Medicare coverage under Australia's Reciprocal Health Care Agreements.

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Overseas Health cover for students and visitors2

The pricing, eligibility, and benefits of each OVHC coverage will vary. Most policies, however, should cover you for medically necessary hospital admissions as well as a percentage of doctor’s bills.
In addition to hospital and medical expenditure coverage, you may also acquire General Treatment coverage. General Treatment coverage provides compensation for the services of private-practice health care professionals such as dentists, optometrists, and physiotherapists. Insurance can cover a portion of these charges, but you will still be responsible for a portion of the fees.

What does Not OVHC cover?

When acquiring coverage, keep in mind that certain plans will have lesser or no benefits for specific forms of therapy, and waiting periods might vary – some policies may permanently exclude insurance for pre-existing conditions, implying that such illnesses would never be covered.

Most international visitors’ health insurance policies provide only limited coverage for medications. Overseas tourists may incur considerable out-of-pocket fees if they require pharmaceutical therapy, particularly cancer treatment.


If you are an international student on a temporary student visa, it is a requirement of your visa that you have appropriate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia. This means you must get Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and maintain your coverage current while in Australia on a student visa.

OSHC helps overseas students pay for medical and hospital treatment while studying in Australia. OSHC also offers ambulance service and a limited supply of medications.

What does OSHC cover?

OSHC policies help to defray the costs of hospitalisation and medical care. Ambulance services are also reimbursed.
The OSHC Deed specifies the minimal conditions for an OSHC insurance. Explanatory Guidelines for the Deed and a One-Page Fact Sheet describing what is covered by the Deed and how OSHC works are also available from the Department of Health. Check with your OSHC insurance for further information.
OSHC does not cover general care (also known as supplementary or extras coverage), such as dental, optical, or physiotherapy.

Registered OSHC Health Insurers

Certain insurers provide OSHC as part of a Deed of Agreement with the Department of Health in order to provide appropriate health insurance to students at a fair cost. Only a few recognised health insurers provide OSHC.